The Ai African Sovereign Wealth And Pension Fund Forum

The Ai African Sovereign Wealth and Pension Fund Forum (ASWPFF) is a high-level platform for African Sovereign Wealth and Pension Fund (SWF & PF) leaders to network and share best practices on key issues related to improving the investment environment for long term intra-African investment.
The Forum fosters and facilitates inbound investment in the continent’s financial markets, together with Northern Hemisphere asset owners and supranational institutions. The ASWPFF builds on a series of Ai-led consultations and events for African SWF & PF leaders to assess and determine existing barriers to investment in Africa – including non-listed assets such as infrastructure.


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The Ai African Sovereign Wealth and Pension Fund Forum Leaders’ Summit and Awards

The Ai African Sovereign Wealth and Pension Fund Forum (AiSWPFF) hosts two Leaders’ Summits each year: one in Africa – The African Sovereign Wealth and Pension Fund Forum, and an international Summit in the US – The African Sovereign Wealth and Pension Fund Leaders’ Forum, held annually in September in New York, during UN Climate Week.